Arth Thapa

I build stuff from code sometimes.
started as a means to kill time during covid-20, turned into career fueled by passion.

What I'm currently working on

I'm currently working on a DBMS which is supposed to be a one-command installable system

The DBMS uses json files, this is further work on my pre-existing json files ORM ( jason )

Link to the project

Previous Work

- Made a fullstack one-on-one voice dating webapp.

- "I have worked with Arth and he has tremendous knowledge on web development and many other technology. Definitely would recommend who is looking for a freelancer."

tech used - 100ms, ReactJS, Redux, TailwindCSS, Express, MongoDB, Redis

This is what I've built so far

- provides the easiest and fastest way to setup beautiful leaderboards for anything. It even comes with rich API support to programmatically update the leaderboard and plug it into your apps :)

challenge faced - learned to implement features fast as per demand

tech used - NextJS, Express, Typescript, TailwindCSS, React Framer, React Query, Auth0, MongoDB

- A webapp with rich text editor to edit the docx file and translate that to html and ability to download as docx file.

challenge faced - wrote a nodejs backend that spawned python processes because of lack of good library support in nodejs for the task

tech used - NextJS, Python, Typescript, TailwindCSS, Mantine

- EZily organize events and distribute tasks among your peers for the same.

challenge faced - learned to utilise time efficiently and build things fast

tech used - NextJS, TailwindCSS, Mantine, Firebase, Typescript

- A simple typesafe JSON ORM library that allows you to interact with data stored in a JSON database. The library provides a simple ORM-like interface for working with data.

challenge faced - learned how to make npm modules and host them

tech used - Typescript, JSON, NodeJS

you can find all my projects at github

This is what I'm currently good at

frontend dev

  • react
  • tailwindcss
  • mantineUI
  • redux
  • firebase
  • appwrite
  • svelte

backend dev

  • next
  • node
  • typescript
  • go
  • tRPC
  • mongoDB
  • prisma
  • express
  • django
  • docker
  • postgreSQL